Arpeggiating the Blues
  • Arpeggiating the Blues

Arpeggiating the Blues

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(118 minutes)

Arpeggios are broken chords, played one note at a time, allowing each string to sustain (versus a single strum across a chord). Using fingerstyle techniques and a variety of blues-based chord progressions, This Revinar gives the budding ukulele finger-stylist an opportunity to improve their playing with a series of graduated exercises

(118 minutes)

Arpeggios are broken chords, played one note at a time, allowing each string to sustain (versus a single strum across a chord). Using fingerstyle techniques and a variety of blues-based chord progressions, This Revinar gives the budding ukulele finger-stylist an opportunity to improve their playing with a series of graduated exercises and songs. I'll teach you inside/outside patterns, alternating thumb, 4-3-2-1 arpeggio patterns, the pinch, claw and scoop technique; all geared towards integrating your arpeggio playing into songs, solos, and accompaniment. This class is ultimately designed to improve dexterity, agility and stamina. It will help you learn how to integrate arpeggios into a wide variety of styles including the blues.

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